Healthcare Under Cyberattack: Unprotected Medical IoT Devices Threaten Patient Care

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A new survey conducted by Capterra has found that the rising adoption of connected medical devices is increasing cyberattacks in healthcare. The survey of healthcare IT professionals revealed that 67% of healthcare cyberattacks impact patient data, and nearly half impact patient care, indicating that security risks are having severe consequences on patient outcomes and privacy. Medical practices with more than 70% of their devices connected are 24% more likely to experience a cyberattack. Many healthcare organizations are not taking necessary steps to protect medical IoT devices, as 57% do not always change the default username and password for each new connected medical device, and 82% run connected medical devices on old Windows systems. Proactive and ongoing vigilance is required for medical IoT security, including routine vulnerability assessments, up-to-date inventories, and software to monitor devices.

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